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5 Steps to Calculate Your Influencer Marketing ROI

According to Relatable’s 2019 State of Influencer Marketing Report, almost 80% brands say that they dedicated budget this year to influencer marketing. By 2020, an estimated $8 billion is expected to be spent on Instagram influencer marketing alone.

These show that growth in influencer marketing, but don’t tell if it’s being done well or not. Tracking campaign performance is the best way to measure the success of your influencer marketing program.

This is step-by-step analysis to track your influencer marketing campaign ROI.

Step 1: Set Campaign Goals To Track ROI Accurately

The first and most important step in any influencer marketing program is to set clear goals and objectives. Determining your goals lets you determine what kind of influencers to work with, types of content, distribution platforms etc.  

Some common influencer marketing goals for marketers include:

  • Increase brand awareness
  • Reach new/target audiences
  • Improve brand advocacy
  • Increase sales
  • Manage brand reputation

However, these are broad goals. To run a successful influencer program, dive deeper and set goals at a more granular level. This will make it easier to track your campaign ROI.

Step 2: Define Metrics to Measure Campaign Performance

With campaign goals set, you need to identify the metrics to measure them. The goals need to be well-defined and clear. These are:

  • Be Specific: If your goal is to increase revenue, define by how much in money or percent growth.
  • Set a Timeline: You could track the increase in traffic within two weeks of launch.
  • Be Achievable: Your influencer program is bound to fall if your criterion for determining success is not clear.

You can’t dependent on single metric to understand whether you’ve achieved the goal. Consider your campaign goal is brand awareness. Your performance metrics can be varied and could include number of impressions, brand mentions, clicks, follower growth, increase in brand engagement, etc.

Step 3: Develop Goals and Performance Metrics for Individual Influencers

It’s important for you to understand which influencers are contributing and which are falling behind your expectations so that you can understand what works and cut resources spent on underperformers. Individual influencer goals must align with your campaign goals. For instance, let’s say your main campaign goal is to generate certain revenue within a certain time frame. An individual influencer goal would detail the minimum amount the person would generate within that time frame.

Individual influencer metrics include:

  • Total impressions
  • Number of clicks to landing page/website
  • Average engagement rate
  • Conversions to customers
  • Amount of user generated content created
  • Revenue

With this data, you can assess the performance or impact of each influencer and make informed decisions on how to use them (or not) going forward.

Step 4: Choose The Influencer Tracking Platform

Rather than tracking manually your campaign ROI, you should look for influencer marketing platforms for help. These platforms will make it easier for you to accurately track your campaign performance and the performance of your influencers. Some influencer marketing platforms are:

  • NeoReach
  • TapInfluence
  • Grin

Step 5: Measure The Influencers

Most brands usually measure the performance of the overall campaign but that usually not enough. Pick an initial group of influencers to start the campaign. First, pick an initial group of influencers to begin the campaign. Track each influencer’s performance at the start. Document the engagement rates for each influencer’s post and compare them to the collective group of influencers.

You can do that by two ways Unique URLS, Unique Discount Codes.

Running a successful influencer program requires proper planning and execution. It also requires a detailed measurement strategy. Using this step-by-step guide, you can assess your influencer program with ease and improve the ROI from your influencer collaborations.

What are you waiting for?

6 Actions You Must Take After SEO Audit

Are you planning to improve the organic search visibility of your website? An SEO audit is the answer to do it. An SEO audit can produce valuable insights. It reveals your SEO strategy and tactics. The best audits are done in-depth and focused on aspects across the key areas of SEO:

  • Technical
  • Off-Page
  • On-Page

They use keyword or goal-oriented focuses to compare against. This allows a deeper analysis of keyword performance and competitor comparison. You’re doing SEO because of return on investment or to get high-ranking, traffic and conversion goal improvements.  This makes SEO audit an important part.

Here are some specific next steps that you should take after the audit is completed to build momentum and ensure your time and invested isn’t wasted.

  1. Develop a List Insights

A detailed audit report includes:

  • The list of SEO items audited.
  • The status is of those items weighed against best practices, audience, and competitive filters.
  • Recommendations of aspects to correct or improve.

These are often knitted throughout the report and sometimes are summarized in an executive summary or conclusion section.

For automated audits, this section of findings might be lacking clarity or depth.

The first step after the SEO audit is to get to the short or possibly long list of specific insights and things that need action.

  1. Prioritize Based on Level of Impact

Using the list that was included in the audit report, or the insights you’ve gathered, it’s time to begin the planning phase.

If you have the option to go back to the person or team (internally or externally) who conducted the audit or do a post-audit meeting, this is the time to learn and understand the expected level of impact of each of the items on the insights list.

Not all corrective actions will have the same degree of impact. While SEO professionals are required to avoid promises due to the uncertain nature of the industry, there should be a scale and objective way to prioritize the list based on how big issues are.

Setting expectations of what the impact could be, even when they are based on benchmarks and where you want to be will be helpful later for measurement of actual impact.

  1. Determine Necessary Resources

With a prioritized list of action items based on the level of impact, you can now determine the necessary time, budget, and resources needed to tackle each item.

Few updates can be made within minutes by a single person with little training. Others might require the assistance of other departments, individuals, or outside vendors.

Something like the use of a sophisticated canonical tag strategy require a good technical SEO mind plus the skills of a web developer. Such resources may cost some money and have to be slotted into schedules.

The moment you know how long it will take to implement each item, what it will cost in time and resources, coupled with the level of impact from the previous step, you can filter the list and re-prioritize.

  1. Develop a Timeline

Now you have an outline of the work and needs in front of you. This is not the time to take your foot off the gas. Pushing forward on the SEO plan can be daunting due to time, resource, and budget constraints. However, SEO is a long-term commitment that is fueled by short-term activities and tactical execution.

At this point, you should be able to see what the all-in investment is for implementing all of the items on the list.

Based on budgeting, pacing, and the ability to work, it should be possible to know how much time overall it will take to work through everything.

With this, you can develop a timeline with specific milestones, goals, and reporting cycles to measure the impact of the effort.

  1. Create an Action Plan

Putting the plan in motion, you’ll need to find the right systems to ensure that:

  • Collaboration is easy.
  • Tasks are scheduled and assigned.
  • Accountability is attached.

Whether it’s a workflow program, SEO tool, or project management suite, treating this as a real project or campaign following the audit is one of the best things you can do to give it a fair shot.

Heaping a big stack of tasks or assignments on an individual, team, or group of roles with no expectation or accountability is a big risk for failure.

It’s important to set the tone with a plan and an expectation of it being organized and completed on budget and on time.

Not all stakeholders and roles will understand the potential impact of improving SEO if they only have a small role in certain pieces.

Without some education and a clear assignment with a due date that tucks into the plan, it might go into an IT queue with low priority and never get done.

  1. Achieve Success

It’s not easy to know what SEO success looks like and that this effort was worthwhile.

You can measure performance by tying back into the goals and expectations you set in the first post-audit step of assessing the best estimate possible of the level of impact of the action items identified.

You can identify the project schedule and see where average position, impressions, traffic, and conversions changed during the project or campaign, using baseline or benchmark data,

If you’ve a dedicated plan and concerted effort then you should be able to track specific improvements.

You also need to be sure of using the annotation feature in Google Analytics and have regular reporting cycles monthly or weekly depending on how long your timeline is for implementing the plan. This is really a great way to track improvement over time and understand the actual impact versus the estimated level of impact and to make any agile revisions to the plan or to keep going with the original schedule.

The process of SEO audit can be overwhelming. Depending on the type of audit, and how much support and education you receive at the end of the process, it can be challenging to use the audit as a powerful tool to improve the optimization of a website. Through working from insights to fully-actionable and measurable plan, you can achieve success and find ROI not just for the audit investment itself, but in leveraging SEO as a valuable digital marketing channel.

3 Ways Quality Data Can Help You Achieve Success in SEM

Quality vs. quantity. This is most important in the world of search engine marketing. People use data to measure performance, set goals, and drive the decision-making for paid search programs. Data is everything. It helps to:

  • Measure value.
  • Allow to define strategies and boost performance.
  • Be the driving force behind work.

But data isn’t the only key to higher value and better performance. The operative piece is actually quality data. No decision is more important than defining and executing on a bidding strategy.

Without good data, it doesn’t matter how sophisticated the algorithms or optimization techniques you apply to your program. Your performance will lag behind of its peak potential. The lack of data set poses a significant challenge for most SEM programs. Solutions come with capturing and leveraging the right data can have a meaningful impact on the success of an SEM program.

The fewer ways are:

  1. Higher Revenue & ROI

Data has the ability to increase the business performance. By measuring, tracking, and analyzing data on past performance, you can make smarter decisions. These deliver improved results.

Certain core categories of data can be directly applied to increase SEM ROI.

Search teams can empower smarter and more profitable bidding decisions by tying:

  • Analytics data from web and mobile tracking solutions.
  • Offline data from call centers or CRM platforms.
  • Inventory or capacity systems that track real-time supply constraints.
  • Contextual data back to SEM data.

Without leveraging data, large SEM programs can’t achieve peak performance. A unified data set will also offer insights into how deep your prospects are in the funnel. Also, it can show the valuable milestones of the customer journey. Achieving peak performance is hard. But the foundation to get there requires investing in a platform that does two things:

  • It collects the right quality data.
  • It then allows you to apply that data to sophisticated algorithms to automate bidding optimization at scale.
  1. Historical Context For Better Decision Making

Minimize the all-too-common and expensive “bidding learning period”. The quality of data you feed into the new platform is of utmost importance. If you don’t integrate historical data, your team may struggle to see patterns that drive profitable strategic decisions.

When it comes to SEM, almost every business experiences seasonality. Promotional events, holiday periods, or monthly trends.

Ideally, your future promotions and seasonal strategy learned from past successes and failures. Likewise, your bidding strategy should leverage data from past seasonal periods to guide future bids.

Strong historical data is capable of providing the right context required for the best results. But you’ll need the right platform.

Paid search professionals are often forced to write off their bidding platform to control the bids themselves. Real trust derives from good data put to use.

  1. Differentiate From Competition

Quality data powers advanced techniques and capabilities in your bidding solution. These types of feature enable advertisers to achieve best performance and beat competition.

Take forecasting and scenario modeling. While predicting the future isn’t new to the industry, it’s far more accurate when fueled by reliable and comprehensive data.

Proper data science methodologies should be used to model this data. Thus, it is possible to discover higher performance and drive the greatest value from customer audience data. That’s a key requirement to achieving peak performance.

What It Means To Have Better Links?

It’s better not to have a web page support and reaffirm the top ranked site. It’s ideal to have one’s own clique of relevant links to challenge the top ranked sites.

There’s nothing wrong in picking up low-performing links that your competitor already has. But do it during the course of building your own set of links that you consider are superior. If during the course of your strategy you pick up some shared links then that is alright.

Build Better Link Cliques

The search engine result pages are composed of sites with their own backlink cliques. By analyzing search engine result pages (SERPs) and backlinks, it has been found that you can bypass existing cliques and build your own relevant set of links. The backlink of high ranking competitors do not necessary represent the best.

Don’t Join, Build

It’s better to build your own network of relevant sites outside of established networks instead of joining existing link cliques and linking out to and becoming a part of someone else’s link neighborhood.  Sometimes, existing competitor backlinks are not that great. Cultivate a link graph of relevance. This is why a page with only a few hundred inbound links can rank as well as or better than a site with thousands of inbound links. At a certain point, it’s not the amount of links that decides, there are other factors that play a part. These are like on-page. Instead of checking the backlinks of the top ten, if you have to check backlinks, check the backlinks of the major sites that are advertising on the top ten. You should verify the backlinks of non-competitors whose customers overlap with your customers.

Are You a Leader or Follower?

The role of a leader is to find better ways of doing things. So if you want to be leader that means rising above what competitors are doing and figuring out ways to bring something new and better into the conversation including links.

Don’t plan your link strategy like a follower what competitors are doing. Look for alternate routes. This is how you’ll discover great ways to obtain links which will put you at top. It’s no longer necessary about who has most number of links. But having the most relevant links is helpful. Content and relevant links are important ways. This is the reality.

10 Awesome Sources to Get Free Data for Digital Marketers

Who doesn’t like free things? The web provides data practically free. These 20 sources offer free data that are widely considered as reputable.

  1. Google Data Set Search

This helps you to search available datasets that have been marked up properly according to the standard. While this could be seen as a one-stop shop for datasets which includes data from NASA and ProPublica, there are many niche datasets that may be ideal for certain purposes.

You’ve shown results and each one is clickable to tell you:

  • The name of the dataset
  • When it was last updated
  • A description
  1. Google Trends

With this tool, you can get information against keywords. You can get information on interest over time, interest by region, related topics, and related queries. You can also select options including which country (or worldwide) you want to see, narrow it down to categories, or confine your search to all of the web, images, news, shopping, or YouTube.

  1. The World Factbook

It contains information about 267 world entities. This is a treasure trove of data that is updated weekly with information about the world. You can select a country to view and then click on whatever topic you prefer. The site is also searchable.

  1. Altmetric

Though Altmetric offers some paid plans but they have a very useful set of top 100 most mentioned articles that have been published in a year.

  1. Open Corporates

It is the largest database of companies in the world. It gives you the access to information over 100 million organizations. You can search by companies or officers and limit your jurisdiction if you need to.

  1. National Center for Environmental Information

NCEI covers geophysical, atmospheric, and oceanic data. They are currently the world’s largest provider of climate and weather information.

  1. Data Sets SubReddit

Though you have to sign up but it’s free. You can search for datasets and find people giving information and requesting it. Reddit, in general, is also a great place to look for information and see what’s trending.

  1. Pew Internet

If you’re in search of sociological data, then Pew Internet is a great source.

There are some interesting articles that you can find by browsing around too. You do need to sign up to view and download datasets but it’s free.

  1. Group Lens

This has several available datasets that are useful for more niche projects. Some datasets are over a decade old. You can get a lot of information on books and films here.

  1. GitHub’s Buzzfeed News

This one gives you data from Buzzfeed. If you want information on a particular topic from 2016 to 2018, this one’s for you.

The Difference Between Content Writing and Copywriting

The Difference Between Content Writing and Copywriting

The difference between content writing and copywriting lies in the purpose of writing it. Copywriting means writing for promotional advertising or marketing. The purpose of content writing is to engage and educate the readers so they longer stay on website and engage with the brand.


Copywriting involve content writing. But the scope of copywriting is quite big. Copywriting has a greater task to perform – selling a brand, product or services.


Hence, what are the differences between content writing and copywriting?

Content Writing

Content writing means composing valuable content to be delivered with a specific purpose such as business, marketing, commercial affairs etc. Often, content writing is mainly used to attract potential customers and educate them about the products and services. This can be done via blogs, articles, press releases etc.

Content Writing for Content Marketing

Content writing aims to do content marketing for your brand. Good content reaches your target audience and achieve your objectives. Below are the tips for writing content that is good for your marketing.


  1. Write your content with correct elements that is purpose, structure, form etc.
  2. You should provide a rich experience with content
  3. Have a straight and clear voice.
  4. Back up your arguments.
  5. Build trust among your audience with your content.

If you want to make statements about your brand then use clear about your language. This helps to connect with your audience. Don’t assume people will understand your brand automatically, but that doesn’t mean you will talk down to them.



Copywriting means creating compelling and high-valued content mainly designed for your brand. The ultimate objective of copywriting is to sell the products and services. In earlier days, copywriting was a part of advertising. But today, copywriting is changing web content to engage the audience and sell effectively. SEO copywriting suggest use of target specific search terms to promote your brand. SEO copywriting helps in optimization and yields a better performance on search engines.


Copywriting Is Meant For Branding

Your copy needs to be meant for only one thing – branding. Branding means telling audience why your brand matters. Like content writing, your copy should attract the attention of the customers. But in copywriting grabbing the attention is not enough; you have to entice them to take action.

Copywriting vs. Content Writing

The distinction between copywriting and content writing lies in its purpose. You pass information to audience through content marketing. In copywriting, you tell about the greatness of the brand. Many people believe that copywriting is everything. But doing copywriting at the cost of content writing is not a good idea. It may not work because you cannot sell always.

It’s because the more you try to sell through your words the more distance your audience will create from your brand. No one likes to be sold all time. Customers want to understand and believe in what you’re telling them. Unless you’re able to connect with them you’ll not be able to build trust in your brand.

However, at the time of writing website content your aim shouldn’t be to appear on search engines. If you try to sell all the time, they will reject you.

The availability of huge number of content on the web has turned audience apprehensive. Now, customers like to do comprehensive research and carefully go through sites, including your competitors.

Content writing needs to be strong. Keep it in the best framework that fulfills your business objectives. Don’t compete with marketplace. Give non-comparative and non-competing content to your audience. As an advertiser your focus should be on helping out your audience, rather than direct selling.

Words are the most effective tool to present your brand online. Copywriting and content writing both can be used for branding and marketing of your business. For this, you need to incorporate copywriting into your content writing.   

How to Generate & Use Data-Driven Content for Link Building

How to Generate & Use Data-Driven Content for Link Building

In this data-driven world grabbing the attention of readers, journalists and links are one of the hardest jobs. Your content must be eye-catching, exciting and unique. Data journalism one of the best and easiest ways to create content that stands out from the crowd.  Content with data and statistics makes it interesting, newsworthy and shareable. And it also helps to bring more traffic to your website. A data-oriented content can drive traffic to your website also.

Be The Source

Creating your own data is not an easy thing. If you able to create your own data, people will want to link back to the place they cited. Using Google Trends and Google Consumer Survey, you can search for trending topics and build your own data.

Pick Your Topic 

Google Data doesn’t always ensure good content. You have to figure out how to tell a story using data. First, you need to decide what the content is about. When researching about topic, you should use Google Trends and BuzzSumo. These tools are built for researching and exploring trends.

Gather Your Data 

The most important thing about creating a data-driven content is actually find the data. While building content with your own data, you should remember that more in quantity doesn’t mean you’ll achieve your goals. You need a good content to achieve your goal.

  1. Conduct Surveys

Surveying is the go-to place for collecting information, to get statistics and data that you specifically focus on. Think carefully before asking questions. You want to get best results possible to generate a variety of angles for you to use in your content. Make sure your question should support the story and limit the number of open-ended questions you ask. Include a variety of demographic questions which answers given with the details about the respondents.

  1. Ask Your Community

Do you have your own community or fans? If you work for a bigger brand and have forums where they discuss a range of topics. Many businesses also have a large database of customer contact details to which they send newsletter on a regular basis. You can send them questions on a regular basis to understand their desires.

  1. Use Your Own Data and Reports

Many SaaS companies don’t realize that they’re sitting on amount of data. You have some analytical tools to track success of your own website and marketing efforts. These tools can give you useful insights and data to create a content marketing strategy. Google Analytics is a good place to know your consumer demographics such as their age, gender and location, what they buy, what device they use and more. You can also carry out your own tests and experiments to generate data and insights that will generate data and insights about your industry and your customers.

Search for Interesting Angles

Once you have the data, you’ll analyze which angle you want to give your story. Analyzing data isn’t always easy. That’s why try and highlight any key points in your content derived out of the data. Remember, once you have the strong data with you, you’ll be able to segment your results demographically. This will help to find a range of local angles you can pull out for your content based on gender, age, location etc.

Visualize Your Data

Presenting data is the key to the success of your content. Visualizing data is the first step of making your content engaging and shareable. But data visualization is not easy. Ideally, you should work with a designer to visualize your data. If you don’t have an access to a designer then you can work with a data visualization tool. Once, you’ve created the visual you should add relevant content to make it a story. You should make sure to make content which is responsive on mobile and tablet devices.

How to Structure Your Content Support Activities

If the content is truly a unicorn, you need to do all the supporting staffs around that content. The structuring process should start collaborating with the PR team to create a strategy. PR teams develop high-quality link opportunities.

Then you should conduct manual outreach to industry blog to create back links and guest blogs.

Partner with other companies on a webinar to discuss data.

Create a blog post series to give further context to data and optimize for new search items.

Utilize the data at presentations.

Recreate the data in nfographics, charts, and graphs.

Don’t Have Any Data?

Don’t have any data to collect? Don’t worry. There are plenty of sources you can use and combine to make a whole new data set. You can get access to data from Pew Research Centre, Wikipedia, Google Scholar, The Office for National Statistics, and Reddit’s Data is Beautiful subreddit. You can also get data at Google [keyword] market research, or [keyword] data sets.

A great content don’t have a shelf-life. You will see spark at the beginning and even after 6 months of its publishing. Data-driven content always works because you create something that people want. If your research is done right then you should have a powerful piece of content.  

Create Link-Worthy Content

11 Ideas to Create Link-Worthy Content

Creating link worthy-content is not easy. It requires time, planning and strategy. The type of links that you want is editorial link or natural link and the hardest to get. Editorial links are the best kind of links which Google wants you to build. But before doing that you need to understand what is link-worthy content?

What is link-worthy content?

To put simply, link-worthy content is useful content. Link-worthy content typically comes in four forms:

  • Informational: Typically the latest news.
  • Inspirational: Any content that inspires people to take action, such as self-improvement or supporting a cause.
  • Educational: Educational content teaches something new to people.
  • Entertaining: The content that provides amusement and plays on the emotions of consumers.

Ultimately you want your content as the best answer asked by your target audience. There is a lot of content available on the web. Most marketers fail to gain any traction using content such as views, shares or links.

Utmost Focus on Content

Creating awesome content that attracts links isn’t easy. The competition is also fierce. There is multiple number of content available in the web in the form of blog, infographics and video.  It is often found that a good content gets out-performed by inferior content. The reason – the good content isn’t marketed properly.

Consider content as an asset. Just like property and stocks, your content has the potential to generate valuable links that will help your SEO. But creating link-worthy content is the half of the battle.

Establish Relationship with Influencers

You create a awesome content and if nobody finds it on the web, it’s all waste of time and effort. Unfortunately, great content doesn’t guarantee you links. This is the reason you need to build relationship with influencers. When you’re working with influencers, you’re not only working with that influencer. But you’re also adding their entire network.  A recommendation from a true influencer can instantly make your content more appealing to a whole new audience. Influencers may have a loyal following on social media. They may run a blog or website. Or they may be journalists.

11 Ideas to Create Link-Worthy Content

To create something engaging, relevant and link-worthy, takes time, skill and money.

  1. Create Evergreen Content

News content has a short shelf life. That’s why you should pick up on topics that are more evergreen. Evergreen content are the resource that remain useful and relevant long after it published. It rarely changes and always in demand from the audience. This could be:

  • Guides
  • E-books
  • How-to-posts
  • List
  • Explainers
  • Checklists


  1. Start a Podcast

A podcast naturally attract links because every time you interview a guest, they will likely link to your page.  Plus, you’ll attract links from other industry sites and blogs if your podcast is popular.

  1. Create a Resource Centre

In addition to publishing and promoting your content, you also have to organize in such way that will make sense for your audience as well as new visitors. A content resource center is the perfect solution for you. Creating guides, case studies, webinars, whitepapers and checklists requires time and money both. Some people would rather just link to your resource center rather than creating their own.

  1. Be a Thought Leader

Even if you don’t consider as a thought leader, start writing like one. Do things that make you stand out.

  • Be Confident: You know your staff. Show it to the world.
  • Be Original: Don’t just rewrite old ideas. Lead, don’t follow.
  • Be Authentic: Just be you.
  • Be Interesting: Being interesting demand people’s attention.


  1. Expert Roundup

Write something that attracts the attention of marketers. Rather than writing about marketing, use quotes of the marketers. The concerned marketer will eventually share it.

  1. Partner With Another Brand

Partnering with another brand is really important. Co-authoring through your partnerships exposes your piece of content to a new community or audience. It is also important to co-author as they never disappoint. When you co-author with someone else, you agree to spend equal cash flow on paid amplification. By utilizing both teams for paid amplification, you can utilize different target audiences with our content syndication partnerships, social ads and native ads.

  1. Target & Optimize for Relevant Keywords

Create content that relevant to your company. First decide your keywords and create content around those group of keywords.

  1. Add Visual Content

Add images, infographics, data visualization, Gifs. All these can help you to tell story.

  1. Formatting Matters

Nothing is off-putting for readers to read a giant block of text. It is ideal to use subheadlines, short, simple sentences, bulleted list, block quotes, bolding and italics.

  1. What’s Your Angle

What makes your content different from other published on the same topic? If you don’t know then you may not have a link-worthy content. Rework on your content until you find your own angle.

  1. What Would You Link To Your Content?

This is probably the ultimate test. You should know your audience, your industry/niche and what they want.  So the big question– would you link to your own content? If you don’t like to link it then you can’t expect from others.


The benefit of link-worthy content is that it attracts links in short-term and long term. It also helps to build a positive relationship inside and outside of your community. It position you as a thought-leadership role.

Social Media Marketing Strategy In 2019

7 Ways to Upgrade Your Social Media Marketing Strategy In 2019

With more than 3 billion people using social media every day, it’s really important to stay ahead of the curve and social media strategy of your brand. Strategizing social media activities is not easy as the platform changes very quickly. There are a lot of new trends that affect how users engage on these platforms. Each of these changes has been catalyst for businesses to adjust their social media strategies and tactics. In order to stay competitive, you need to adjust your strategy. Here are seven tactics that your social media strategy needs in 2019.

  1. Target True Engagement

Cheating the system to encourage engagement has been a popular social tactic for some time. Brands simply put ‘tag a friend’ in the comment section to show as a conversation. But algorithms are getting smarter. You can’t get engagement through spammy ways to garner likes and shares.

With organic reach declining and more business are increasing their social ad spend, content needs to be truly interesting and engaging so that followers, wider audiences can’t get involved.

  1. Work With Micro Influencers

On the theme of true engagements, micro-influencers continue to win ground over their more celebrity-like counterparts. Micro-influencers often work on a gifting basis or charge lower fees than big names. Audiences of micro-influencers are more engaged. Micro-influencers are also niche specific than the social media stars. Some research has shown than profile with thousands followers, engagement rates on sites like Instagram start to rapidly decline. Collaborating with digital socialites who have between 1,000 and 10,000 followers comes at a fraction of the usual influencer cost, but with likelihood that genuine engagement will be much greater.

  1. Get Rid of Fake Followers

If you’re planning for a genuine engagement and influencer marketing, it is advisable to first get rid of fake social followers. Fake and spam accounts have been since the drawn of social media. You can find ‘influencer’ with million followers, but in reality isn’t quite what it seems.

So it is important to check engagement rates before connecting with an influencer is that audience size doesn’t equal views or activity. Fake profiles can make a profile popular but collaborating could be a waste of time and money.

  1. Make Sure Your Social Profile Shoppable

Shoppable social has already made waves from Pinterest’s buying pins to the Checkout on Instagram. The Shoppable socials have become is now clearer and shorter than ever. Pinterest has upgraded ad pins to ‘Product Pins’ a tool that takes shoppers straight to the checkout page for a selected item on a retailer’s site, while Instagram gives users a route from discovery to checkout without leaving the app. Invest in shoppable social adverts where it is relevant. Test out which platform & CTAs work for audience best.

  1. Include Dark Social In Your Strategy

Dark social refers to the kind of social networking that marketers can’t track – sharing information over WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger. Content you engage online forms part of your own online presence. Facebook Messenger app sees 1.3 billion users send 8 billion messages every month and the total once you include WhatsApp, WeChat, and Skype is around 5 billion active monthly users.

  1. Capitalize on FOMO With Live Video

You need to understand the mindset of millennials. This age group suffers from FOMO – fear of missing out. Consider this to inspire experiential marketing experiences and user-generated content campaigns. Live videos, super-shorts, time-sensitive competitions are just a few of the ways to instill FOMO on a waiting audience.  Fine-tune and implement a live-video strategy. Research what your audience wants.

  1. Test Out Augmented Reality Ads

AR is making waves in customer experience already, used in apps that help customers try on sunglasses and makeup, or imagine what a paint color might look like on their living room wall. Facebook has already testing AR-ready advertising, which allows users to tap a product ad and try the item without leaving their newsfeed. Augmented reality has been hailed by some as the future of digital marketing. Beauty and fashion brands are naturally the early adopters with NYX, Sephora, and Michael Kors already testing out the new Facebook function. If your budget stretches as far as AR ads and apps, it’s the time to develop them.

Social media isn’t just a tool to increase brand awareness. It can increase in revenue, customer retention, and help to build an engaging customer experience. But every platform is so noisy, it can feel an impossible task, but with niche targeting and a trustworthy, relatable approach, it can be done. The core of a social media strategy isn’t the numbers. They are humans with a range of emotions and interests.   

5 Strategies to Improve the Quality of PPC Lead

5 Strategies to Improve the Quality of PPC Lead

Generating leads through PPC campaigns is a challenging work. Generating high-quality leads is even harder to find. In an ecommerce platform, you can track purchase or sales. But lead generation is not that simple. Lead generation leaves the door open for anyone who falls into the lead generation stage, irrespective of whether they have the ability to buy the product or not. Because of this, you need to develop different strategies to target higher quality leads and deter unqualified users. But before strategizing, you should take one aspect in consideration.

Improving Lead Quality Means Lowering the Volume 

Increasing the quality of lead is not that simple. But you need to remember when improving the quality of leads; you have to lower the number of leads you’re generating. The number of quality leads increases the number of overall leads declines. This means you ignore the lower quality leads. When working on the quality of leads, it’s important to expect a number of things to happen to your KPIs:

  • Overall lead volume will decrease
  • High-quality lead volume should increase
  • Cost per lead generally rises
  • Cost per high-quality lead should decrease
  • Click-through rate generally goes down

Here are the 5 strategies that can be successfully used to improve the B2B lead quality that can help any lead generation campaign.

  1. Target More Specific Keywords

All search campaign starts with keywords. They’re the backbone of any campaign. They decide what you get upfront, or what should be the ad copy, or which landing page you should use. To work on the quality of leads, you should revisit the keywords.

  • Long Tail vs. Short Tail

Keyword length is another important factor. Typically, shorter the keyword, less intent you can assign to a search. If most of your keywords are one or two words long, can you lengthen them by adding a modifier to make them more specific? To get high quality leads, long-tail keywords are a better way for targeting.

  • Match Types

Like length of the keyword, match type also play a big part in lead quality. Exact match and phrase match allow for most control in keyword matching. If most of your keywords are coming from broad match terms then this could cause issues. To combat poor matches, you can be more vigilant with search query reviews, and negative keywords additions or you can also limit your use of broad match types. Neither is perfect. You can use according to your requirements and then make adjustments.

  1. Use Qualifying Copy In Ads

You need to have most appealing ad copy for your potential customers. A good headline or call to action can increase your CTR and increase your conversion rate. When quality in focus, you want to purposefully deter some clicks on your ads. Just because a group of individuals isn’t in the right place to click and convert now, that doesn’t mean they never will be.

  1. Create Landing Pages For Target Customers, Not All Customers

Landing page copy is yet another tool to qualify the users on the page. The landing page copy should outline what our ideal customers would be. Landing page design is also an important factor. This same logic applies to a B2B SaaS provider. Generally, such companies earn more money on larger accounts. You approach can be as subtle or as bold as you like, but be sure you’re using your landing page to help qualify users.

  1. Give Your Form The Attention it Deserves

You can scare someone by asking about details while doing window shopping. It’s the highest price anyone can pay to a lead generation company. If you’re noticing a large number of forms filled by lower quality leads, then increase the number of information that you ask for. Make sure the form is contextual. You should also make sure what are the additional pieces of information that you need to add. In addition to the number of fields, it’s also important to pay attention to what exactly you’re asking for in a form.

  1. Leverage Back-End Data to Optimize

This is the most under-utilize strategy. If you’re planning to generate leads through PPC campaigns, odds are you’re using some type of sales or marketing management system to keep all those leads straight. This process is the best way to optimize information. With PPC campaigns, you can tag URLs so all users are tracked back to the keyword level with your campaigns. Your first challenge is making sure the marketing automation is capturing the information. Second challenge would be regularly pulling out data and use it to optimize your campaigns. This information plays an important part in determining the budget of the campaign, which keywords should remain active, and all sorts of other changes.  

Lastly, focus on the quality of the leads not the quantity of the leads. To increase the quality of the lead, you need to be strong enough that this may turn away some people from your business. You can purposefully try to prevent people from filling out your form. But at the end, it’s the move for your business.