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How to Generate & Use Data-Driven Content for Link Building

How to Generate & Use Data-Driven Content for Link Building

In this data-driven world grabbing the attention of readers, journalists and links is one of the hardest jobs. Your content must be eye-catching, exciting and unique. Data journalism is one of the best and easiest ways to create content that stands out from the crowd.  Content with data and statistics makes it interesting, newsworthy and shareable. And it also helps to bring more traffic to your website. A data-oriented content can drive traffic to your website also.

Be The Source

Creating your data is not an easy thing. If you can create your data, people will want to link back to the place they cited. Using Google Trends and Google Consumer Survey, you can search for trending topics and build your data.

Pick Your Topic 

Google Data doesn’t always ensure good content. You have to figure out how to tell a story using data. First, you need to decide what the content is about. When researching about topic, you should use Google Trends and BuzzSumo. These tools are built for researching and exploring trends.

Gather Your Data 

The most important thing about creating data-driven content is finding the data. While building content with your data, you should remember that more in quantity doesn’t mean you’ll achieve your goals. You need good content to achieve your goal.

  1. Conduct Surveys

    Surveying is the go-to place for collecting information, to get statistics and data that you specifically focus on. Think carefully before asking questions. You want to get the best results possible to generate a variety of angles for you to use in your content. Make sure your question should support the story and limit the number of open-ended questions you ask. Include a variety of demographic questions with answers given with the details about the respondents.

    2. Ask Your Community

      Do you have your community or fans? If you work for a bigger brand and have forums where they discuss a range of topics. Many businesses also have a large database of customer contact details to which they send newsletters regularly. You can send them questions regularly to understand their desires.

      3. Use Your Data and Reports

        Many SaaS companies don’t realize that they’re sitting on an amount of data. You have some analytical tools to track the success of your website and marketing efforts. These tools can give you useful insights and data to create a content marketing strategy. Google Analytics is a good place to know your consumer demographics such as their age, gender and location, what they buy, what device they use and more. You can also carry out your tests and experiments to generate data and insights that will generate data and insights about your industry and your customers.

        Search for Interesting Angles

        Once you have the data, you’ll analyze which angle you want to give your story. Analyzing data isn’t always easy. That’s why try and highlight any key points in your content derived from the data. Remember, once you have strong data with you, you’ll be able to segment your results demographically. This will help to find a range of local angles you can pull out for your content based on gender, age, location etc.

        Visualize Your Data

        Presenting data is the key to the success of your content. Visualizing data is the first step of making your content engaging and shareable. However, data visualization is not easy. Ideally, you should work with a designer to visualize your data. If you don’t have access to a designer then you can work with a data visualization tool. Once, you’ve created the visual you should add relevant content to make it a story. You should make sure to make content which is responsive on mobile and tablet devices.

        How to Structure Your Content Support Activities

        If the content is truly a unicorn, you need to do all the supporting stuff around that content. The structuring process should start collaborating with the PR team to create a strategy. PR teams develop high-quality link opportunities.

        Then you should conduct manual outreach to industry blogs to create backlinks and guest blogs. Partner with other companies on a webinar to discuss data. Create a blog post series to give further context to data and optimize for new search items. Utilize the data at presentations. Recreate the data infographics, charts, and graphs.

        Don’t Have Any Data?

        Don’t have any data to collect? Don’t worry. There are plenty of sources you can use and combine to make a whole new data set. You can get access to data from Pew Research Centre, Wikipedia, Google Scholar, The Office for National Statistics, and Reddit’s Data is Beautiful subreddit. You can also get data at Google [keyword] market research, or [keyword] data sets.

        Great content doesn’t have a shelf-life. You will see a spark at the beginning and even after 6 months of its publishing. Data-driven content always works because you create something that people want. If your research is done right then you should have a powerful piece of content.  

        Why SEO Is Important?

        Why SEO Is Important?

        Before understanding why SEO is important, or why search is important, you need to step back and understand why people search.

        Why People Search?

        In the early days, people used to search to find a list of documents that contained the words they typed in. But now things have changed. Today people search to find solutions, to accomplish tasks and to ‘do’ something else. You can search to book a flight or want to learn the latest song by a popular singer. When a person starts a search, they start a journey. In marketers’ language, it’s known as ‘consumer journey’. It captures the journey of a buyer from inception to completion. And most of the journey starts with search. Over the last decade, the consumer journey is playing a larger role in search.

        Evolution of Search and Consumer Journey

        The modern consumer journey no longer get represented by a funnel, but it more looks like a crazy straw partnered with various twists and turns representing various channels, mediums, and devices that users interact in today’s time. Search has evolved from simple words on the page to understand the intent of the users on each phase of the journey. Search is no longer about keywords. It has evolved from providing the right content to the right user at the right time to accomplish their task. For users, it’s all about verbs. And for search marketers, it’s all about their journey. Sticking to the crazy straw model, today’s consumer journey happens using multiple devices. You may search for the product on mobile devices and use work laptop to study about it and finally buys the product using a desktop at home. Search isn’t just limited to computers or smartphones. Users can search from a variety of devices that includes watches, smart glasses, Bluetooth speaker assistants, and even kitchen appliances. In today’s world, in which a fridge has a twitter account and search marketers need to know about how various devices relate to each other and play a part in the user’s search experience. In a hyper-connected world, SEO has become “real marketing.” The days of hacks, tricks, and attempt to reverse-engineer algorithms are gone.  Today’s SEO focuses on:

        • Understanding personas.
        • Data-driven insights.
        • Content strategy.
        • Technical problem-solving.

        3 Main Aspects of Any Marketing Strategy or Campaign

        Search touches mainly 3 areas, these are:

        i) Attract

        ii) Engage

        iii)    Convert

        However, search mainly focuses on the first phase “Attract”. It is no longer feasible to just have an awesome product. You should actively attract customers via multiple channels and outlets. Despite some contraries from clients or design agencies, every webpage is an SEO page.  If you’re using the webpage to attract visitors, engage visitors, or to convert them, there should be an important SEO component to that page.

        SEO has come a long way from the days of Metadata. You also need to remember that today’s websites are more application than they are just a website. Web applications come with lots of fancy features that don’t always play nicely with search engines (hi again, angular and react.)

        Good SEO

        A good SEO today not only focuses on content but also helps:

        • To navigate through multiple versions of the same page
        • Solve issues related to tech that render content invisible to search engines
        • To ensure proper server settings
        • To integrate with social media, content, creative, user experience, paid search, or analytics
        • To find avenues to speed up your site

        As a good SEO professional, you have to understand searcher as well as competitive landscape. It isn’t enough to understand the user’s task, as a search marketer you also need to understand what options the marketplace offers and how they fill the gaps.

        Suppose the article is about the best hotel management college in Kolkata then surely you have to maintain the focus keyword density.

        As an SEO professional, you’ve to wear multiple hats as they help connect development, information architecture, user experience, content strategy, marketing, social, and paid media teams. Search marketers around the globe, in an attempt to create that works for search engine and users.


        Search matters because of users matters. The continuous evolvement of technology puts SEO to deal with new ways of searching, new devices to search on, and new types of searches (voice search) but one thing remains constant is why people search. The search isn’t going away.