Tag Archives: ROI

3 Ways Quality Data Can Help You Achieve Success in SEM

Quality vs. quantity. This is most important in the world of search engine marketing. People use data to measure performance, set goals, and drive the decision-making for paid search programs. Data is everything. It helps to:

  • Measure value.
  • Allow to define strategies and boost performance.
  • Be the driving force behind work.

But data isn’t the only key to higher value and better performance. The operative piece is actually quality data. No decision is more important than defining and executing on a bidding strategy.

Without good data, it doesn’t matter how sophisticated the algorithms or optimization techniques you apply to your program. Your performance will lag behind of its peak potential. The lack of data set poses a significant challenge for most SEM programs. Solutions come with capturing and leveraging the right data can have a meaningful impact on the success of an SEM program.

The fewer ways are:

  1. Higher Revenue & ROI

Data has the ability to increase the business performance. By measuring, tracking, and analyzing data on past performance, you can make smarter decisions. These deliver improved results.

Certain core categories of data can be directly applied to increase SEM ROI.

Search teams can empower smarter and more profitable bidding decisions by tying:

  • Analytics data from web and mobile tracking solutions.
  • Offline data from call centers or CRM platforms.
  • Inventory or capacity systems that track real-time supply constraints.
  • Contextual data back to SEM data.

Without leveraging data, large SEM programs can’t achieve peak performance. A unified data set will also offer insights into how deep your prospects are in the funnel. Also, it can show the valuable milestones of the customer journey. Achieving peak performance is hard. But the foundation to get there requires investing in a platform that does two things:

  • It collects the right quality data.
  • It then allows you to apply that data to sophisticated algorithms to automate bidding optimization at scale.
  1. Historical Context For Better Decision Making

Minimize the all-too-common and expensive “bidding learning period”. The quality of data you feed into the new platform is of utmost importance. If you don’t integrate historical data, your team may struggle to see patterns that drive profitable strategic decisions.

When it comes to SEM, almost every business experiences seasonality. Promotional events, holiday periods, or monthly trends.

Ideally, your future promotions and seasonal strategy learned from past successes and failures. Likewise, your bidding strategy should leverage data from past seasonal periods to guide future bids.

Strong historical data is capable of providing the right context required for the best results. But you’ll need the right platform.

Paid search professionals are often forced to write off their bidding platform to control the bids themselves. Real trust derives from good data put to use.

  1. Differentiate From Competition

Quality data powers advanced techniques and capabilities in your bidding solution. These types of feature enable advertisers to achieve best performance and beat competition.

Take forecasting and scenario modeling. While predicting the future isn’t new to the industry, it’s far more accurate when fueled by reliable and comprehensive data.

Proper data science methodologies should be used to model this data. Thus, it is possible to discover higher performance and drive the greatest value from customer audience data. That’s a key requirement to achieving peak performance.


PPC vs. SEO – Which is the best option Add value to your ROI

“SEO and PPC are two strategies to increase ROI, Let’s go read our blog before you decide which will bring you high ROI – PPC or SEO?”

Digital marketing company provides the services of SEO and PPC. Before you decide to invest, first you need to know the real impact of SEO which means Search Engine Optimization and PPC which means Pay Per Click. SEO is the organic way to bring your website to the top of the search results. PPC is a way to buy a link, a marketing technique to invest in the website which will make the advertisement appear on the top of the search result, meant to attract more clicks. Clients fail to decide where to make their investment which will meet their purpose with greater returns.

If you are searching for a digital marketing company to enhance your brand, first you look at whether the services provided by them include SEO and PPC. Then the challenge is to decide the better option that will meet your purpose. Both have their own merits and limitations. You have to judge how to maintain a balance between these two marketing strategies to gain maximum returns.  

The time needed for better results:

The sole aim of digital marketing is to take the website to the top of the search results. If you invest in SEO you have to also invest time to pull your website to the top of the SERP (Search Engine Result Pages) using required keywords and attract traffic. Every moment innumerable websites are added to the list. Therefore to pull your website to the top of the result pages following SEO strategy is much time consuming in comparison to results gained from PPC. In the case of PPC, you need to run advertisements based on the keywords that will make it appear at the top of the SERP and continue to invest in the same. This will result in more clicks but only as long as the advertisement is made available by you.   

Effective results:

Applying proper SEO techniques, the keywords used to attract traffic decrease the chances of bounce rate.  Here only relevant clients will visit your site so much are the possibilities to turn prospects into customers. However, investing in PPC can result in attracting random users meeting lesser relevance for your business. Even after a click on the link, the chances of leaving the site remain high contributing to a higher bounce rate with low returns.

Cost Effective:

SEO is much more cost-effective in comparison to PPC. Usage of keywords and relevant links attracts more traffic that is likely to increase with time at minimum cost. In the case of PPC, you have to continue to invest still you want to run your advertisement. Whenever a click is made on the link, money will be deducted from the linked account. Irrelevant clicks increase cost as well as make it difficult to meet the purpose.

Evaluate and Apply:

One cannot achieve this while applying a single marketing technique. Evaluate both strategies and apply them accordingly to endorse your brand for better returns. Investing time in SEO to pull your site in top results of SERP as well as investing money over PPC will give desired returns to your investments. Investing in PPC can generate sales on the other hand keep your users interested in your brand with SEO techniques.  

If you are in need of professional advice to help you decide, on the proportionate share of investment in SEO and PPC, then contact us at Keyline Digitech or Call us at +91 93 3010 9091.