Tag Archives: web design

5 Tips And Tricks To Make Sure Your Logo Is Next Level

Whether you are a new business owner or an old one, your logo is the most different aspect of your business. Hence you need to pay special attention when you are creating your logo. Now, most leave the job to the best web design company in Kolkata they find, but they also need to consider certain aspects. That is because your logo will tell the story of your brand, and no one can tell it better than you. So, even when you go to the web design company you have hired, they will ask about your vision regarding your logo. Now let’s see what the tips and tricks are to make sure your logo is at the next level.

To start with, let’s see the must-have things for a good logo. They are:

·        Must be eye-catching

·        It must have a timeless feel to it

·        Must be memorable

·        You can understand the logo even when it is small or large

·        Perfectly symbolizes your brand value/vision

Now let’s see some tips and tricks on how to achieve that. Of course, your logo design company in Kolkata will be doing this job for you, but it is an extra help if you also come up with creative ideas.

Express your brand through picture

The earliest human language was pictorial like the hieroglyphics of Ancient Egypt. That is because there is some image that doesn’t need any language to express, they are eternal. Hence nothing can symbolize or give the vibe of your brand more than an image that captures the essence of your business.

Make a clean logo with white space

Many people think that the best design should be loud and full of colours. While it is true that colours attract our attention more, some businesses can give off the wrong vibe. If you are in a business that is subtle and not in your face, then you need to have a logo that portrays that and not the opposite. This is why logo design companies in Kolkata love to use the blank space or white space as it is called to design a logo that is clean and minimalistic. Such logos not only give a tranquil and calm vibe but due to their white background, are easier to incorporate into other marketing materials like t-shirts, posters and brochures.

Design the logo based on where you are going to use it most

When designing the logo, make sure you discuss with the designer where it is going to be used the most. For example, if the use of it is mainly on the business card that you give away or on your uniform or, on or your website. Based on that, you need to discuss with your digital marketing company in Kolkata when designing your logo.

Make the logo a literal representation of your brand

Being literal with your logo will get you places and increase your brand awareness. Think of Apple and its logo; no matter where you are in the world when you see a bitten apple on a product, you know it is from Apple. So, showing what you do on your logo is both creative and practical, and ask your digital marketing company in Kolkata to help you design one.

Stand out with the use of the right colours

One quality you should look at when designing your logo is salience. Salience simply means using colours in such a way that it stands out from their background. The best way to do that is by using a pop of colour against a white or neutral background. This pop of colour will make sure your logo doesn’t become dull or flat even when you use just a single colour. Take for example the Amazon logo. The orange arrow at the bottom of the name of the brand in black makes the logo eye-catching wherever placed. Many people think monochromatic is the key to a good logo; while it is true, it is also true that for some businesses, black and white may give the opposite impression of what the company wants to say. So, even for a monochromatic logo, use shades from the same colour to make the logo.

Now that you have an idea of what to talk to your web design company in Kolkata regarding your logo, go ahead and contact one to create the best logo for your business.


5 Top Secrets Why Your Business Needs a Website?

Gone are the days when you can entirely rely on the customer’s walk-in in your office or shop. Due to the current COVID-19 situation, it is clear that your customers and clients are reluctant to visit your office or shop. As a result, your business is impacted at a high level. You must be thinking either about changing your business line or how much to invest in bringing the business on a runway.

Keyline is the best website design company in Kolkata, offering responsive and beautiful websites that help a lot for any business growth. In this COVID-19 situation, your business should grow digitally with an attractive and trustworthy website.

How about if you get a good business just by making a minimal investment?

How about if we say that there is no need for you to change your business line?

The answer to the questions mentioned above is here!! YOU HAVE YOUR BUSINESS WEBSITE!!! We are going to share with you why you need to have a website for your business. In today’s digital era, every business needs a website. It is the best opportunity for you to have a global presence.

“Website is a virtual office for you which will always be available for you 24×7 for your clients and customers.”

Why Do You Need To Have A Website?

The website enhances your credibility:-

Currently, consumers or clients show less interest in businesses that have no website. Most people will first check your website to learn about your business.

Having your business website makes a long-lasting impression. Website is the best way to showcase your expertise across the globe with a low investment. You can share your office pictures, your business presentations, testimonials and many more.

Your Website Is Your Marketing Resource!!!

Consumers Search You Online!

Do you know that 60% of people search for local businesses first on mobile?

There are chances that your consumers in your city can find you offline. Do you think that your consumers in any other city, state or country will find you offline? The answer is NO!! The website takes your business where your clients or consumers are with the help of the right digital marketing. More than 97% of people search for business online before making any decision. Right now also when you are reading this article, your potential client must be searching for you

Connect to Keyline Digitech to build a website for your business. Keyline is the best web design company in Kolkata.

Website Cost Effective Way of Marketing

The cost of posting an advertisement in a newspaper, and designing and printing flyers is more than building a website. Even you cannot give surety after spending so much money that your business has reached your target customers. You can make a website to showcase your products or services. Also, you can create an e-commerce website and sell your products directly to your potential customers.

The expense of building a website is one time, and after that, you can do simple updations depending upon your requirement which does not cost much investment.

Website and Digital Marketing Complement Each Other

You must be noticing different factors in current websites- digital marketing through Blogs and SEO( Search engine optimisation) content. Mostly your target consumers or clients check the websites which are either on the first page or second page of Google.

Through digital marketing, you can have your website come to the top page of Google. You can connect to one of the leading digital marketing agency in Kolkata named KEYLINE DIGITECH.

Website Helps You in Knowing Your Consumers/Clients

You can see which age group, location or income level person is buying your products. This helps you to manage the costs of advertising and ensures that you spend only the needed amount on marketing.

The analytical tools on your website help you to track the kind of people visiting your website. You can reach your targeted clients or customers with high accuracy. As a result, you can mould your marketing strategy to get maximum business. Moreover, with the help of analytical tools, you can also check how your digital marketing strategy is working for you. Accordingly, you can post the offers and promotions on your website!!!

We hope now you will make the first investment in your business at this time and build your business website. One more point which is essential to note is the design of the website. The building of the website includes the website design as well. The more engaging and attractive your website is the more customers will visit the website.

Google also analyses the ranking of the website by the experience of the user on the website. Moreover, how long the user was on your website and was engaged with the information? Also, if Google finds that your website is not that engaging your ranking might go down.

You must tie up with a well-established digital marketing and website design and development company. KEYLINE DIGITECH doesn’t just sell the website but creates the website that sells. Keyline has been creating amazing websites since 2002. It is one of the top website design companies in Kolkata.

How to make your interior designing company logo design stand out in the crowd?

When a homeowner wants his/her property to look good, they turn to a reputed interior designing company. And in the present era, every homeowner wants a chic and trendy home décor! That opens up all new opportunities for the interior designing companies. It is no wonder than that the reputed brands in this domain are earning huge profits each year. But the word “reputed” should be taken a note of in this respect. In the intensely competitive interior designing business niche, people only trust companies they are familiar with. And this is why branding is the most important criteria to survive in the business domain. The basics of your branding campaign should be started with logo design or re-designing. So, here are some essential tips to get the best web designing output for your logo designing.

Don’t imitate the competitors

Every brand has a persona of its own. Yes, there are some characteristics which are similar in all interior designing brands, but there are also bound to be certain differences. You should ask the web designing services to create a logo that clearly depicts your uniqueness. Most brands just try (and fail) to emulate the logo of their well established counterparts. Place the facts in front of the web designer and judge the output (without thinking about the competitors).

Create a scalable logo

A logo can be used in endless promotional campaigns. Most of the business owners fail to see this bigger picture. They tend to think about the website, brochure and some other promotional materials where the logo would be used in the near future. You might have to use the logo in hoardings, company letterheads, trade fair booths, etc. as the company moves forward. So, you need to think of the bigger picture and finalize a logo that looks good on smallest of materials as well as the largest ones!

Don’t go for font cluttering

Ask any web or graphic designer and the person will tell you that each font has a different meaning. Each font is meant to depict a separate mood. So, you have to select a font (based on your brand persona) and stick with it. Using too many fonts complicates the brand image and does not convey the right message across to the customers. Logos are best kept neat and tidy, and font cluttering is against this philosophy.

Focus on the message and not the color

Most interior designing brands get very rigid about their logo color. This is a wrong practice. Yes, you might have a favorite color as a business owner, but that color has many shades and may appear with many variations. It is important to tell the web or graphic designer what message you intend to portray through the logo.

Logo carries a business value through its unique design. Like IIHM Kolkata have a text logo as for the “best hotel management college in Kolkata“.

An experienced logo designer would be capable enough to work with colors (including some from your favorite color palette) and give the perfect output.

Add an element of Surprise!

Best logos are so appealing because they are creative. You cannot play safe when you are after fame! Let the designer play around with the designing repertoire. There should be at least one element of “Surprise” in your logo that grabs the attention of the onlooker. So, allow the designer to stay creative, do not cloud his mind with a long list of safe suggestions.

If you are looking for the best web design and development services that suit your interior designing company, then Keyline is the place where your search ends. We have create envious logos for reputed interior designing businesses. Check out our web design and development services.

Web Design Hacks: Tips to Boost your Website’s UX

No matter which business niche you belong to, the competition for business is bound to be intense in the online world. There are many things that sway purchase decisions towards your company. But to achieve that you have understand the psychology of the users and the elements in your website that instigate them to do business with you. If your website’s elements appease the psychology of the users, it will have a positive impact on the conversion rates. So, here are some tips that help you design and develop a website as per the needs of the users.

Add Special Elements in Key Areas: You have to decide, of which areas of the website you want to draw the visitors attention towards at first glance. Such areas should be highlighted with separate design elements or characters. You do not want the visitor’s attention to wander here and there, often overlooking the essential highlights of the website.

Use the Color Contrast: Believe it or not, wise exploitation of the color palette helps you retain the attention of the visitors. With contrasting colors and certain jump off elements, the call to action and unique value proposition content can be highlighted significantly.

Imaginative use of White Spaces: Many web designers, view web space as precious and do not want to waste any. But while you are striving to do so, you are also overburdening the visitors with information. White spaces are important elements of modern day web designing; they not only make sure that web page loads faster but also assure that the visitors have breathing spaces between all the important elements and content present at the website.

Plan for achieving consistency: Well, you have a lot to showcase to the visitors. You have the marketing messages, customer service, advertising and a host lot of other activities to take care. But, best websites find a way to blend all this information together. What that assures is: the customer gets consistent and hassles free user experience.

Create the recall with Pictures: Modern day website landing pages are all about creating the desired impression with the use of high-quality images. Pictures often stick in the minds of the visitors, while the content might be forgotten. If you can convey certain highlights of your business with unique and attractive images, it will significantly boost your conversion rates.

Utilize the seeing it first Psychology: Often web surfers like to go through the top options in elaborate listing menus. This is where you need to plan. Place your most attractive services and products top of the tree, so that they become most viewed enhancing your sales scopes. Also, the content inside each of the pages should have an attractive heading which captures the attention of visitors and urges them to go through.

Showcase your Social side: The visitors who come to your website are social creatures; they want to read about experiences of other people before making a final decision. This is why you should showcase your testimonials and customer reviews in the landing page. Apart from that, you should also allow the visitors to view your social media profiles and learn about your customers’ engagements.

Highlight a Freebie: This old principle is as much attractive today as it was in the past. People like freebies, so whether it is a discount deal, limited time offer, free stuff or a sneak peek into the next product, use a prominent part of the landing page to showcase these. It will do greater good in the long term!

If you can use these psychological ploys, business will surely flow in!