Tag Archives: website redesigning

How often should a website be redesigned?

The decision to redesign your corporate website is not a simple one. It has many management and monetary facets to it. This is why, there are many website owners who are caught up in a fix: “when should I redesign my website?” Well, there is a popular saying “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” But, this saying was not created keeping the web in mind. There are many websites which are completely functional from the apparent view (it ain’t broke) and still they are crying out for a redesign (fix). As web redesigning is a big decision, so we can understand the indecision you are suffering from. But, if your website is looking rather stale, outdated and far moved from other modern websites of the niche, then it is the perfect time to start searching for a reputed web design service.

But what is the real shelf life of a website?

There is no definitive answer to this question. The shelf life of a website can be 3 years, 3 months, 3 hours or even 3 minutes. It all depends on a range of business factors. But, we understand that this answer would hardly meet your curiosity. So, let us throw in some numbers. A study by the Orbit Media, on the average shelf life of websites, found that a website needs to be redesigned every 2 years and 6 months! But that is a generalized answer and might not fit your industry requirements.

Does the shelf life vary from one industry to the next?

Yes, definitely. There are some industries which go hand in hand with modern technologies. While there are others which might not mind much about what is happening around in the technology domain. If your website is into selling utility items (such as AC, electronic parts and industrial machinery, as examples) you do not need to care about the technology innovations out there. Customers care more for the quality of the items, rather than your websites looks. While if you are more into dealing with trendy things (such as interior decor, travel, new technologies, etc.) than the customers expect your website to have a modern look. Whether you need to redesign your website within two and a half years or after ten years depends on the expectations from your industry.

What can be an immediate trigger for website redesigning?

Standing at the present times, your website definitely needs to be mobile friendly. If it is not, then there is not a single moment to waste. You need to get in touch with a reliable web designing service and make your website mobile friendly. Even five years ago you could count the mobile visitors out of the equation. But no more, as Google officially states that mobile traffic in 2017 exceeded the desktop traffic. You could be losing a lots of customers and revenue if your website is not mobile friendly. This then is the immediate trigger for website redesigning.

What are the other considerations before thinking about website redesigning?

It all comes down to awareness. You need to understand the demands of the market. Finding answers to some of the below mentioned questions would help you make up the mind.

  • Is my website looking modern and updated?
  • Have my business offerings remained the same, since I last got my website designed?
  • Is my website appearing perfectly on all types of browsers, devices and screen sizes?
  • Is my website in the same league or better than my competitors?
  • Am I witnessing a steady growth in traffic and revenue through the website?
  • Is the website aligning with my present business goals?
  • Are customers giving compliments for my website design?
  • Do I really like the look and feel of my website?

If you find that all the answers are pointing towards a website redesigning need, then waste no time in contacting us at Keyline. We have helped many clients give a new look to their existing website with our web design services.