Tag Archives: pop up advertisements

How to plan a perfect pop-up for your website?

Pop-up advertisements are back in a big way. In the past, the pop-ups were seen as annoying and intrusive way of advertising, and logically the visitors hated them. The furore against pop-ups was so high that many browsers went ahead and integrated the pop-up blockers as a part of their service. But the pop-ups have made a dramatic comeback in the last few years. But this time they have adorned a new and user friendly avatar.

For example, IIHM Kolkata website has a pop up mentioning the “best hotel management college in Kolkata“.

Pop-ups are a great way of increasing conversion, traffic (to specific pages) and even raising awareness about a recent service, product or offer. And it is logical for you to be contemplating about the usage of pop-up ads at your website. But before you lunge ahead, you need to know: the old world of pop-up ads has vanished. There is a whole new list of things to keep in mind while planning for a website pop-up ad today. So, what are the basics of coming up with a perfect pop-up? That is what we are here to discuss.

  • Timely Appearance: This is the era when brands are more concerned about user experience than they ever were. With a stiff competition, no matter which niche business you belong, every website has to cater a neat browsing experience. And pop-ups, when not planned well, can be a big deterrent to this logic. In the past, pop-ups were hated because they impeded the browsing experience of the visitors. They would come up any time and any where. So, the planning of a pop-up ad should take into consideration their placement and timing. Today’s successful pop-up website ads are allowing the visitors to look through the desirable service or product before cropping up on a timely manner.
  • Easy to Close: Going through the pop-up ads was a compulsion for the surfers in the prior years, as they were so difficult to minimize or close. As a result most visitors would leave the website out of frustration. Now, this would impact the conversion and user experience levels. This is why, websites of the times are providing the visitors easy and readily viewable options to close the ads they do not find interesting.
  • An Offer Visitors like: Pop-ups ads can be successful when they carry forward a worthwhile offer. There is no point in having a pop-up up there just for the sake of it. Such ad spaces should be reserved for the most well thought out and luring ads. Your ad offer should be such that it attracts attention and the visitors find it useful.
  • Having an Action Driven Call to action: Rather than forcing the visitors to click on the ad and reach the landing page, today’s websites are rather focusing on dishing out attractive offerings. Limited time offers or offers that are valid for the first 50 clicks are good ways to not only arouse interest but get the desired hits on the landing page. This is why, thinking hard about the call to action is the secret to success behind the modern day pop-up ads.

Once you have taken into account the above mentioned factors and planned a pop-up ad for your website, leave the rest to Keyline. Our website design and development service can provide the perfect ad and landing pages for your campaign.