It’s better not to have a web page support and reaffirm the top ranked site. It’s ideal to have one’s own clique of relevant links to challenge the top ranked sites.
There’s nothing wrong in picking up low-performing links that your competitor already has. But do it during the course of building your own set of links that you consider are superior. If during the course of your strategy you pick up some shared links then that is alright.
Build Better Link Cliques
The search engine result pages are composed of sites with their own backlink cliques. By analyzing search engine result pages (SERPs) and backlinks, it has been found that you can bypass existing cliques and build your own relevant set of links. The backlink of high ranking competitors do not necessary represent the best.
Don’t Join, Build
It’s better to build your own network of relevant sites outside of established networks instead of joining existing link cliques and linking out to and becoming a part of someone else’s link neighborhood. Sometimes, existing competitor backlinks are not that great. Cultivate a link graph of relevance. This is why a page with only a few hundred inbound links can rank as well as or better than a site with thousands of inbound links. At a certain point, it’s not the amount of links that decides, there are other factors that play a part. These are like on-page. Instead of checking the backlinks of the top ten, if you have to check backlinks, check the backlinks of the major sites that are advertising on the top ten. You should verify the backlinks of non-competitors whose customers overlap with your customers.
Are You a Leader or Follower?
The role of a leader is to find better ways of doing things. So if you want to be leader that means rising above what competitors are doing and figuring out ways to bring something new and better into the conversation including links.
Don’t plan your link strategy like a follower what competitors are doing. Look for alternate routes. This is how you’ll discover great ways to obtain links which will put you at top. It’s no longer necessary about who has most number of links. But having the most relevant links is helpful. Content and relevant links are important ways. This is the reality.