Category Archives: SEO

What It Means To Have Better Links?

It’s better not to have a web page support and reaffirm the top ranked site. It’s ideal to have one’s own clique of relevant links to challenge the top ranked sites.

There’s nothing wrong in picking up low-performing links that your competitor already has. But do it during the course of building your own set of links that you consider are superior. If during the course of your strategy you pick up some shared links then that is alright.

Build Better Link Cliques

The search engine result pages are composed of sites with their own backlink cliques. By analyzing search engine result pages (SERPs) and backlinks, it has been found that you can bypass existing cliques and build your own relevant set of links. The backlink of high ranking competitors do not necessary represent the best.

Don’t Join, Build

It’s better to build your own network of relevant sites outside of established networks instead of joining existing link cliques and linking out to and becoming a part of someone else’s link neighborhood.  Sometimes, existing competitor backlinks are not that great. Cultivate a link graph of relevance. This is why a page with only a few hundred inbound links can rank as well as or better than a site with thousands of inbound links. At a certain point, it’s not the amount of links that decides, there are other factors that play a part. These are like on-page. Instead of checking the backlinks of the top ten, if you have to check backlinks, check the backlinks of the major sites that are advertising on the top ten. You should verify the backlinks of non-competitors whose customers overlap with your customers.

Are You a Leader or Follower?

The role of a leader is to find better ways of doing things. So if you want to be leader that means rising above what competitors are doing and figuring out ways to bring something new and better into the conversation including links.

Don’t plan your link strategy like a follower what competitors are doing. Look for alternate routes. This is how you’ll discover great ways to obtain links which will put you at top. It’s no longer necessary about who has most number of links. But having the most relevant links is helpful. Content and relevant links are important ways. This is the reality.

The Difference Between Content Writing and Copywriting

The Difference Between Content Writing and Copywriting

The difference between content writing and copywriting lies in the purpose of writing it. Copywriting means writing for promotional advertising or marketing. The purpose of content writing is to engage and educate the readers so they longer stay on website and engage with the brand.


Copywriting involve content writing. But the scope of copywriting is quite big. Copywriting has a greater task to perform – selling a brand, product or services.


Hence, what are the differences between content writing and copywriting?

Content Writing

Content writing means composing valuable content to be delivered with a specific purpose such as business, marketing, commercial affairs etc. Often, content writing is mainly used to attract potential customers and educate them about the products and services. This can be done via blogs, articles, press releases etc.

Content Writing for Content Marketing

Content writing aims to do content marketing for your brand. Good content reaches your target audience and achieve your objectives. Below are the tips for writing content that is good for your marketing.


  1. Write your content with correct elements that is purpose, structure, form etc.
  2. You should provide a rich experience with content
  3. Have a straight and clear voice.
  4. Back up your arguments.
  5. Build trust among your audience with your content.

If you want to make statements about your brand then use clear about your language. This helps to connect with your audience. Don’t assume people will understand your brand automatically, but that doesn’t mean you will talk down to them.



Copywriting means creating compelling and high-valued content mainly designed for your brand. The ultimate objective of copywriting is to sell the products and services. In earlier days, copywriting was a part of advertising. But today, copywriting is changing web content to engage the audience and sell effectively. SEO copywriting suggest use of target specific search terms to promote your brand. SEO copywriting helps in optimization and yields a better performance on search engines.


Copywriting Is Meant For Branding

Your copy needs to be meant for only one thing – branding. Branding means telling audience why your brand matters. Like content writing, your copy should attract the attention of the customers. But in copywriting grabbing the attention is not enough; you have to entice them to take action.

Copywriting vs. Content Writing

The distinction between copywriting and content writing lies in its purpose. You pass information to audience through content marketing. In copywriting, you tell about the greatness of the brand. Many people believe that copywriting is everything. But doing copywriting at the cost of content writing is not a good idea. It may not work because you cannot sell always.

It’s because the more you try to sell through your words the more distance your audience will create from your brand. No one likes to be sold all time. Customers want to understand and believe in what you’re telling them. Unless you’re able to connect with them you’ll not be able to build trust in your brand.

However, at the time of writing website content your aim shouldn’t be to appear on search engines. If you try to sell all the time, they will reject you.

The availability of huge number of content on the web has turned audience apprehensive. Now, customers like to do comprehensive research and carefully go through sites, including your competitors.

Content writing needs to be strong. Keep it in the best framework that fulfills your business objectives. Don’t compete with marketplace. Give non-comparative and non-competing content to your audience. As an advertiser your focus should be on helping out your audience, rather than direct selling.

Words are the most effective tool to present your brand online. Copywriting and content writing both can be used for branding and marketing of your business. For this, you need to incorporate copywriting into your content writing.   

How to Generate & Use Data-Driven Content for Link Building

How to Generate & Use Data-Driven Content for Link Building

In this data-driven world grabbing the attention of readers, journalists and links are one of the hardest jobs. Your content must be eye-catching, exciting and unique. Data journalism one of the best and easiest ways to create content that stands out from the crowd.  Content with data and statistics makes it interesting, newsworthy and shareable. And it also helps to bring more traffic to your website. A data-oriented content can drive traffic to your website also.

Be The Source

Creating your own data is not an easy thing. If you able to create your own data, people will want to link back to the place they cited. Using Google Trends and Google Consumer Survey, you can search for trending topics and build your own data.

Pick Your Topic 

Google Data doesn’t always ensure good content. You have to figure out how to tell a story using data. First, you need to decide what the content is about. When researching about topic, you should use Google Trends and BuzzSumo. These tools are built for researching and exploring trends.

Gather Your Data 

The most important thing about creating a data-driven content is actually find the data. While building content with your own data, you should remember that more in quantity doesn’t mean you’ll achieve your goals. You need a good content to achieve your goal.

  1. Conduct Surveys

Surveying is the go-to place for collecting information, to get statistics and data that you specifically focus on. Think carefully before asking questions. You want to get best results possible to generate a variety of angles for you to use in your content. Make sure your question should support the story and limit the number of open-ended questions you ask. Include a variety of demographic questions which answers given with the details about the respondents.

  1. Ask Your Community

Do you have your own community or fans? If you work for a bigger brand and have forums where they discuss a range of topics. Many businesses also have a large database of customer contact details to which they send newsletter on a regular basis. You can send them questions on a regular basis to understand their desires.

  1. Use Your Own Data and Reports

Many SaaS companies don’t realize that they’re sitting on amount of data. You have some analytical tools to track success of your own website and marketing efforts. These tools can give you useful insights and data to create a content marketing strategy. Google Analytics is a good place to know your consumer demographics such as their age, gender and location, what they buy, what device they use and more. You can also carry out your own tests and experiments to generate data and insights that will generate data and insights about your industry and your customers.

Search for Interesting Angles

Once you have the data, you’ll analyze which angle you want to give your story. Analyzing data isn’t always easy. That’s why try and highlight any key points in your content derived out of the data. Remember, once you have the strong data with you, you’ll be able to segment your results demographically. This will help to find a range of local angles you can pull out for your content based on gender, age, location etc.

Visualize Your Data

Presenting data is the key to the success of your content. Visualizing data is the first step of making your content engaging and shareable. But data visualization is not easy. Ideally, you should work with a designer to visualize your data. If you don’t have an access to a designer then you can work with a data visualization tool. Once, you’ve created the visual you should add relevant content to make it a story. You should make sure to make content which is responsive on mobile and tablet devices.

How to Structure Your Content Support Activities

If the content is truly a unicorn, you need to do all the supporting staffs around that content. The structuring process should start collaborating with the PR team to create a strategy. PR teams develop high-quality link opportunities.

Then you should conduct manual outreach to industry blog to create back links and guest blogs.

Partner with other companies on a webinar to discuss data.

Create a blog post series to give further context to data and optimize for new search items.

Utilize the data at presentations.

Recreate the data in nfographics, charts, and graphs.

Don’t Have Any Data?

Don’t have any data to collect? Don’t worry. There are plenty of sources you can use and combine to make a whole new data set. You can get access to data from Pew Research Centre, Wikipedia, Google Scholar, The Office for National Statistics, and Reddit’s Data is Beautiful subreddit. You can also get data at Google [keyword] market research, or [keyword] data sets.

A great content don’t have a shelf-life. You will see spark at the beginning and even after 6 months of its publishing. Data-driven content always works because you create something that people want. If your research is done right then you should have a powerful piece of content.  

Create Link-Worthy Content

11 Ideas to Create Link-Worthy Content

Creating link worthy-content is not easy. It requires time, planning and strategy. The type of links that you want is editorial link or natural link and the hardest to get. Editorial links are the best kind of links which Google wants you to build. But before doing that you need to understand what is link-worthy content?

What is link-worthy content?

To put simply, link-worthy content is useful content. Link-worthy content typically comes in four forms:

  • Informational: Typically the latest news.
  • Inspirational: Any content that inspires people to take action, such as self-improvement or supporting a cause.
  • Educational: Educational content teaches something new to people.
  • Entertaining: The content that provides amusement and plays on the emotions of consumers.

Ultimately you want your content as the best answer asked by your target audience. There is a lot of content available on the web. Most marketers fail to gain any traction using content such as views, shares or links.

Utmost Focus on Content

Creating awesome content that attracts links isn’t easy. The competition is also fierce. There is multiple number of content available in the web in the form of blog, infographics and video.  It is often found that a good content gets out-performed by inferior content. The reason – the good content isn’t marketed properly.

Consider content as an asset. Just like property and stocks, your content has the potential to generate valuable links that will help your SEO. But creating link-worthy content is the half of the battle.

Establish Relationship with Influencers

You create a awesome content and if nobody finds it on the web, it’s all waste of time and effort. Unfortunately, great content doesn’t guarantee you links. This is the reason you need to build relationship with influencers. When you’re working with influencers, you’re not only working with that influencer. But you’re also adding their entire network.  A recommendation from a true influencer can instantly make your content more appealing to a whole new audience. Influencers may have a loyal following on social media. They may run a blog or website. Or they may be journalists.

11 Ideas to Create Link-Worthy Content

To create something engaging, relevant and link-worthy, takes time, skill and money.

  1. Create Evergreen Content

News content has a short shelf life. That’s why you should pick up on topics that are more evergreen. Evergreen content are the resource that remain useful and relevant long after it published. It rarely changes and always in demand from the audience. This could be:

  • Guides
  • E-books
  • How-to-posts
  • List
  • Explainers
  • Checklists


  1. Start a Podcast

A podcast naturally attract links because every time you interview a guest, they will likely link to your page.  Plus, you’ll attract links from other industry sites and blogs if your podcast is popular.

  1. Create a Resource Centre

In addition to publishing and promoting your content, you also have to organize in such way that will make sense for your audience as well as new visitors. A content resource center is the perfect solution for you. Creating guides, case studies, webinars, whitepapers and checklists requires time and money both. Some people would rather just link to your resource center rather than creating their own.

  1. Be a Thought Leader

Even if you don’t consider as a thought leader, start writing like one. Do things that make you stand out.

  • Be Confident: You know your staff. Show it to the world.
  • Be Original: Don’t just rewrite old ideas. Lead, don’t follow.
  • Be Authentic: Just be you.
  • Be Interesting: Being interesting demand people’s attention.


  1. Expert Roundup

Write something that attracts the attention of marketers. Rather than writing about marketing, use quotes of the marketers. The concerned marketer will eventually share it.

  1. Partner With Another Brand

Partnering with another brand is really important. Co-authoring through your partnerships exposes your piece of content to a new community or audience. It is also important to co-author as they never disappoint. When you co-author with someone else, you agree to spend equal cash flow on paid amplification. By utilizing both teams for paid amplification, you can utilize different target audiences with our content syndication partnerships, social ads and native ads.

  1. Target & Optimize for Relevant Keywords

Create content that relevant to your company. First decide your keywords and create content around those group of keywords.

  1. Add Visual Content

Add images, infographics, data visualization, Gifs. All these can help you to tell story.

  1. Formatting Matters

Nothing is off-putting for readers to read a giant block of text. It is ideal to use subheadlines, short, simple sentences, bulleted list, block quotes, bolding and italics.

  1. What’s Your Angle

What makes your content different from other published on the same topic? If you don’t know then you may not have a link-worthy content. Rework on your content until you find your own angle.

  1. What Would You Link To Your Content?

This is probably the ultimate test. You should know your audience, your industry/niche and what they want.  So the big question– would you link to your own content? If you don’t like to link it then you can’t expect from others.


The benefit of link-worthy content is that it attracts links in short-term and long term. It also helps to build a positive relationship inside and outside of your community. It position you as a thought-leadership role.

Why SEO Is Important?

Why SEO Is Important?

Before understanding why SEO is important, or why search is important, you need to step back and understand why people search.

Why People Search?

In the early days, people used to search to find a list of documents that contained the words they typed in. But now things have changed. Today people search to find solutions, to accomplish tasks and to ‘do’ something else. You can search to book a flight or want to learn the latest song by a popular singer. When a person starts a search, they start a journey. In marketers’ language, it’s known as ‘consumer journey’. It captures the journey of a buyer from inception to completion. And most of the journey starts with search. Over the last decade, the consumer journey is playing a larger role in search.

Evolution of Search and Consumer Journey

The modern consumer journey no longer get represented by a funnel, but it more looks like a crazy straw partnered with various twists and turns representing various channels, mediums, and devices that users interact in today’s time. Search has evolved from simple words on the page to understand the intent of the users on each phase of the journey. Search is no longer about keywords. It has evolved from providing the right content to the right user at the right time to accomplish their task. For users, it’s all about verbs. And for search marketers, it’s all about their journey. Sticking to the crazy straw model, today’s consumer journey happens using multiple devices. You may search for the product on mobile devices and use work laptop to study about it and finally buys the product using a desktop at home. Search isn’t just limited to computers or smartphones. Users can search from a variety of devices that includes watches, smart glasses, Bluetooth speaker assistants, and even kitchen appliances. In today’s world, in which a fridge has a twitter account and search marketers need to know about how various devices relate to each other and play a part in the user’s search experience. In a hyper-connected world, SEO has become “real marketing.” The days of hacks, tricks, and attempt to reverse-engineer algorithms are gone.  Today’s SEO focuses on:

  • Understanding personas.
  • Data-driven insights.
  • Content strategy.
  • Technical problem-solving.

3 Main Aspects of Any Marketing Strategy or Campaign

Search touches mainly 3 areas, these are:

i) Attract

ii) Engage

iii)    Convert

However, search mainly focuses on the first phase “Attract”. It is no longer feasible to just have an awesome product. You should actively attract customers via multiple channels and outlets. Despite some contraries from clients or design agencies, every webpage is an SEO page.  If you’re using the webpage to attract visitors, engage visitors, or to convert them, there should be an important SEO component to that page.

SEO has come a long way from the days of Metadata. You also need to remember that today’s websites are more application than they are just a website. Web applications come with lots of fancy features that don’t always play nicely with search engines (hi again, angular and react.)

Good SEO

A good SEO today not only focuses on content but also helps:

  • To navigate through multiple versions of the same page
  • Solve issues related to tech that render content invisible to search engines
  • To ensure proper server settings
  • To integrate with social media, content, creative, user experience, paid search, or analytics
  • To find avenues to speed up your site

As a good SEO professional, you have to understand searcher as well as competitive landscape. It isn’t enough to understand the user’s task, as a search marketer you also need to understand what options the marketplace offers and how they fill the gaps.

Suppose the article is about the best hotel management college in Kolkata then surely you have to maintain the focus keyword density.

As an SEO professional, you’ve to wear multiple hats as they help connect development, information architecture, user experience, content strategy, marketing, social, and paid media teams. Search marketers around the globe, in an attempt to create that works for search engine and users.


Search matters because of users matters. The continuous evolvement of technology puts SEO to deal with new ways of searching, new devices to search on, and new types of searches (voice search) but one thing remains constant is why people search. The search isn’t going away.

10 Alternatives to Google Ads

10 Alternatives to Google Ads

For the last 15 years, Google Ads is known as the leader of the PPC network. The main reason behind this is – the large number of searches, sites on the Google Display Network, and their continued leadership in the digital space. Though Google Ads is the leader in PPC plan, but there are scenarios when you should look to alternatives for results. And the main reasons behind that are:


  • You aren’t getting enough traffic from Google Ads. The reason may be your brand is new and requires more awareness or may be it has a small niche with a tight set of keywords.


  • The rise in Bids and competitive costs makes it too expensive. Google Ads isn’t always a viable option due to the industry and the value returned. This will create other avenues that will help to create more values outside of the most competitive platform.


  • Too much traffic makes it harmful. Too much traffic can cause low CTRs, higher bids, low conversion volume, and in turn, low quality scores.
  1. Bing Ads

Compare to two other major search engines, Bing Ads is an under-utilized network. Compared to Google Yahoo!, AOL, and Bing are used far less. But still valuable users can be found on these engines and their syndicated search partners. Compared to Google Ads, Bing Ads typically has lower CPCs. However, it has very lower traffic volume compared to Google.

  1. Yahoo Gemini

Yahoo Gemini is a lesser used advertising option. It uses a wide range of ad types to target users through cross-device and cross-platform, using intent-driven targeting. It can be used for generating revenue, enhancing brand awareness, and app promotion.

  1. AdRoll

AdRoll is known as a retargeting platform. It is one of the top third-party tools officially approved by Facebook also provides access to FBX. It also supports Google’s Display Network with its own ad network. At AdRoll, prices and conversion rates are relatively high. Best part of AdRoll is that it offers platforms for other products outside of just retargeting which includes prospecting (programmatic display), email retargeting, and “AdRoll Onsite”.

  1. Amazon

If you are an ecommerce business owner, Amazon gives you the opportunity to grow your products through sponsored products. If you want to sell your products on Amazon, you can pay for sponsored shopping ads that will direct users to those products on Amazon. It also offers other premium services to drive traffic. The best place to drive traffic is Amazon Seller platform. It is also important to create keyword campaigns that drive users to your products within the site.

  1. Quantcast

Quantcast has always known as data set and audience insights to mold a new, untapped display audience for marketers. Quantcast has a free data and audience insights tool- Quantcast Measure. Quantcast Measure help advertisers to build strategy, inform about audience behaviors and personas, and competitor audiences. Quantcast offers services like paid advertising, programmatic, real-time, display advertising, focusing on new acquisition and audience views.

  1. BuySellAds

BuySellAds is one of the largest networks where you can upload your banner ads around the web. BuySellAds is a convenient marketplace with transparent processes that provides a good choice of high-quality sites, especially in internet and tech niches.

  1. Infolinks

Infolinks is a marketplace that is predominantly based on user intent and real-time engagement to show ads to users. Over the time it has been successful in building their product and ad units focusing on real-time engagement for relevant ads based on what and where the user is searching.

  1. Facebook

Facebook gives a great opportunity to build engagement and sales. Using 3 main campaign types, you can interact with the desired audience to build awareness, conversions, or funnel-driven results through remarketing. Adding of new ad types and integration is a feature of Facebook.


  1. LinkedIn


LinkedIn is an underutilized platform for B2B. LinkedIn offers targeting specific job titles to doing ABM (Account Based Marketing) which is focused on specific businesses and job types. Ads can remain in the feed and be content focused or use more text-based ads that show up on the right-hand side.


  1. Pinterest


It is hard to think that a platform only for pictures can drive revenue. According to Pinterest, 87% bought something after seeing an ad on Pinterest. Pinterest should be really considered as “shopping platform”.

So there are many alternatives to Google Ads that can diversify your marketing mix. By integrating more channels into to your advertising strategy, you will be able to reach a larger audience, build a funnel, gain more sales over time, and have touch points across all network types on the web that includes search engines, app stores, marketplaces, display, and social media, others. 

Google AdSense Policy

Change in Google AdSense Policy: New Sites Need to be Verified to Display Ads

Google has introduced a new rule for its AdSense. The new policy says that every new site has to go through a 2-step verification process to display ads. AdSense publishers who intend to place more than one site will now have to attach each individual site to their account.

2-Step Verification Process

In the first part of the 2-step verification process, AdSense publishers will have to prove that they either own the domain where they want to place the ads or have the permission to modify the content.

The second part of the process involves reviewing the site for compliance adhered with Google AdSense Program policies.

Once Google reviewed a site and approved the ads on AdSense then it will be marked as “Ready”.

What Happens if Not Approved 

If Google has reviewed a site and didn’t approve it then it will be marked as “Needs Attention”. This gives the site owners to correct the mistakes that prevented the site from placing ads during the first review.

What this Means For Marketers 

As a change, “My Stites” tab will be renamed to “Sites” and will be placed on top of the menu to find it easier. This change, other than “My Sites” tab, will not affect the most AdSense users. Those who end up being affected will take help from Google to find the correct ad code to add to a new site. Google has said that they’ve made the change because of improving the quality of the AdSense Program for the advertisers. This would also benefit those who publish ads on AdSense. For More Information Log on Keyline Creative Services.

Digital Marketing Transformation in 2019

3 Important Factors to Digital Marketing Transformation in 2019

Digital transformation is the buzzword of today. However, it means different things to different people. If you put it simply, it is the pursuit of achieving the highest level of scale, efficiency, innovation, and profit using data and technology.

When it’s come to strategy and operations, there are three keys to effective digital marketing transformation.

  1. Organization

Change is a tough aspect to deal with. While implementing, it can seem inefficient. Digital transformations are capable of altering company culture, including long-standing strategies, processes and tools.

Organizational challenges are often considered as toughest hurdles. Adopting necessary technology or data is the easiest way to achieve it. You can only do such things, if everyone is ready to commit a shared vision.

For instance, if you’re a part of a global organization and managing its marketing channel separately by region then there are multiple changes you can make, shifting team structure to drive greater scale and efficiency. It’s harnessing a mindset of think global and execute local.

Think global – It means creating a global framework on that all team members are depending on technical resources, knowledge-sharing, direction, and collaboration.   

Execute local- it means putting trust in the regional teams to put in marketing strategy according to unique and measured requirements of the local markets.

Digital transformation is about finding the right balance between standardization and execution on local scale.

  1. Channel Management

Undertaking a digital transformation to rethink channel management strategy is the important step for any marketing team. Lack of cross-channel optimization can reduce the marketing return on investment (RoI).

Today, applying the rules of traditional marketing in digital marketing could be flawed or misleading. In case of social or content marketing, the outcomes can be visible. These activities are considered as ‘top funnel tactics’.

If you properly manage your digital channels then you’ll get results. When analyzing your sales performance if you look at last-touch attribution, you arrive at a point that best converting channels are paid search and display retargeting. These two do well in converting new customer but stay in the bottom funnel- the stage of the customer journey when people give information that they want to buy something. However, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), content marketing, social are falls into top funnel channel.

The goal for a marketing organization is to grow and manage its audience effectievely.

  1. Technology

Using data management platform (DMP) you can build and define your audience through every customer touch points. DMP can store several information about customers interacted with over time.

For example, imagine you’ve a company that sells airline tickets, and your SEO team builds a landing page of 5 most beautiful paces in USA. The page doesn’t say about the cost of airline to US. However, the page is intended for those travelers to wants to visit US.

A visitor finds the page via Google search and clicks your article. The visitor reads more articles and leaves the page and doesn’t return for a while. On the contrary, you mark them using Facebook tracking pixel. All this information gets stored in DMP.

Later, you start a Facebook retargeting campaign which promotes a special, low-cost travel special to US. You configure your campaigns to serve ads to cater people who viewed pages on your website related to US content.

The visitor in the example never sees the ad. Reasons?  Because a few days before the ad campaign, that visitor returned to the website and purchased a ticket to Berlin. Their information was saved in your CRM which sends data to DMP, and had to set up a rule avoid serving Facebook ads to customers who had bought airline tickets in last 2 months.

Now who takes the credit for the purchase of air ticket to Berlin?  Which media channels deserves credit for saving organization the unspent media amount that could have been wasted on this traveler if someone has served the ad? This is a tricky question.

This is an example of marketing success that can be achieved using all digital channels working together.

Digital marketing transformation is a never ending process. If you correctly execute these three factors then you can transform your team members to pioneer change. Your internal process also become streamlined which changes your organization and helps to achieve distinct advantage over your competitors. 


PPC vs. SEO – Which is the best option Add value to your ROI

“SEO and PPC are two strategies to increase ROI, Let’s go read our blog before you decide to which will bring you high ROI – PPC or SEO?”

Digital marketing company provides the services of SEO and PPC. Before you decide to invest, first you need to know the real impact of SEO which means Search Engine Optimization and PPC which means Pay Per Click. SEO is the organic way to bring your website on the top of the search result. PPC is a way to buy a link, a marketing technique to invest in the website which will make the advertisement appear on the top of the search result, meant to attract more clicks. Clients fail to decide where to make their investment which will meet their purpose with greater returns.

If you are searching for a digital marketing company to enhance your brand, first you look whether the services provided by them include SEO and PPC. Then the challenge is to decide the better option that will meet your purpose. Both have its own merits and limitations. You have to judge how to maintain a balance between these two marketing strategies to gain maximum returns.  

Time needed for better results:

Sole aim of digital marketing is to take the website on top of the search results. If you invest in SEO you have to also invest time to pull your website on top of the SERP (Search Engine Result Pages) using required keywords and attract traffic. Every moment innumerable websites are adding to the list. Therefore to pull your website in top of the result pages following SEO strategy is much time consuming in comparison to results gained from PPC. In case of PPC, you need to run advertisements based on the keywords that will make it appear at the top of the SERP still you continue to invest for the same. This will result to more clicks but only as long as the advertisement is made available by you.   

Effective results:

Applying proper SEO techniques, the keywords used to attract traffic decrease the chances of bounce rate.  Here only relevant clients will visit your site so much are the possibilities to turn prospects to customers. But investing in PPC can result to attract random user meeting lesser relevance for your business. Even after a click on the link the chances of leaving the site remains high contributing to higher bounce rate with low returns.

Exoticaa Handicrafts – A new SEO friendly e-commerce website.

Cost Effective:

SEO is much more cost effective in comparison to PPC. Usage of keywords and relevant links attracts more traffic that is likely to increase with time at minimum cost. In case of PPC you have to continue to invest still you want to run your advertisement. Whenever a click in made on the link, money will be deducted from the linked account. Irrelevant clicks increases cost as well as make it difficult to meet the purpose.

Evaluate and Apply

One cannot achieve while applying single marketing technique. Evaluate both the strategies and apply accordingly to endorse your brand for better returns. Investing time over SEO to pull your site in top results of SERP as well as investing money over PPC will give desired returns to your investments. Investing in PPC can generate sale on the other hand keep your users interested with your brand with SEO techniques.  

If you are in need of professional advice to help you decide, the proportionate share of investment on SEO and PPC, then contact us at Keyline Creative Services or Call us at 033-24819206.


Competitor Analysis- A Tool Used By Successful Business Firm

What is Competitor Analysis?

Competitor Analysis is a marketing tool used by an organisation to identify its potential competitors and evaluate their marketing strategies to determine their strengths and weaknesses.

Analysis of current and budding competitors is a key approach for an organisation to thrive in the marketing field. A full recognition of your competition is vital for formulating your company’s future plans.  

A company’s growth rely on many factors – Market condition, Customer’s demand and satisfaction, competitor’s plans and strategies, by predicting your contender’s  reaction patterns to new products in the market, etc. So proper analysis of your rival’s performances can help you to gauge its growth pattern and also its shortcomings.

There are about 4 steps in competitor analysis:

1) Know the competition:

To prosper in any field, a company has to face tough competition from its competitors every moment and in every respect. So it is always better to have a sound knowledge about them. You should have a gross idea about each and every aspect of a competitor viz. How many competitors are there, who they are, what are their products, what are their strengths and weaknesses, how the are operating, their market value, their success rate over the years, are the customer satisfied with their products, if not, why. This is the first step of Competitor analysis.

2) Product Demand:

Rise in demand of products can cause steep competition between two companies, manufacturing the same product. The demand can be seasonal, monthly or even yearly depending on the type of product and its sale. So each and every company is competing with each other all the time to fulfil the customers’ demands. Based on the products, competition can be of 2 types – Direct and Indirect. Two or more companies offering the same services and products are said to be in direct competition. Indirect competitors are the ones who are offering similar products or services to the same target market.

3) Customer Satisfaction:

You know that customer is the first priority for an organisation. The main aim of a company should be to satisfy its customers by fulfilling what they desire. So at first, you have to do some survey work and market research about the needs and demands of customers. Simultaneously you have to be stay informed about your contender’s marketing style, role of its products in customer satisfaction. If the customers are not fond of your products/services and they are using your competitor’s products/services, then your market value will decrease.

4) Strategic Planning and Its Execution:

You should plan your business strategy after taking into consideration the competitors you have to deal with. You should plan different strategies to take on different rival companies, but your aim should be fixed i.e. to beat them in the long run. Click here free Website Competitor Analysis

You should execute the strategies which are best very effectively. There is no extra reward if you give full effort in analyzing the competition and lose, but if you fail in implementing the plan, then it would be a great loss for your company.